Fortunately, there are some tools, which you can use to try to fix corrupted photos before you continue to regret it. Worse still is when we are aware that this problem has occurred, due to not properly removing a USB memory from a computer. Unfortunately, most of us usually do this kind of practice, believing that nothing will happen, and then we get the unpleasant surprise. We all know that the best way to prevent this type of situation is to make backup copies of our files and our most important data. The most common causes of our photos being damaged are the unsafe removal of a USB memory, or that these photos are on a damaged CD or DVD. What are the causes forcing you to ix photo ? There are many causes that can cause our photos to end up damaged, making it impossible to open them in a normal way, or showing them full of artifacts and other strange elements. Whether it’s for stories on Instagram, memes on TikTok, transitions on CapCut, or simply for saving to your albums, there are sometimes unexpected problems with this content: sequences or transitions with errors, problems with audio and video synchronization, or even the impossibility of play the content. Multimedia content is more popular than ever, thanks largely to social media.